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We offer three types of retreats - Tutored, Me-Times (no tutor) & Private (facilities for groups to organise their own retreats)
We regret to inform you that due to personal family issues we are unable to bring a full selection of retreats this year.  We hope to resume our normal fabulous selection as soon as possible - please check back soon or subscribe to the newsmail at the bottom of this page which will keep you updated.

Me-Time Retreat 14th October 2025

Time & space to work on your UFOs, or a new project. Any crafts permitted be it patchwork, sewing, dressmaking, knitting, crochet, lacemaking, papercraft, cross stitch, jewellery etc
2 Days  arriving on Friday 10th October
days arriving Sunday 12th October
or why not combine both and stay for 5?

TO BOOK CALL 01262 672433

email -


Beginners -- Unless otherwise stated, our workshops and retreats are suitable for all levels of ability. 


Workshops and quilt retreats are held at The Royal Bridlington, Shaftesbury Road, Bridlington. East Yorkshire  YO15 3NP




To join our email list, please follow the link below and subscribe ...... this way you hear about the patchwork workshops and quilt retreats first



Read my blog and see what has been going on in recent patchwork workshops and quilt retreats 



 We also offer our facilities to groups wishing to arrange their own retreat. 


Dont forget to look in the on the workshop picture tab for bigger pictures of the projects.


Please note - deposits are required to secure places.

Full payment is due 6 weeks prior.

Requirements are issued to all students around 4 weeks prior when all balances have been paid.  Full terms and condition for workshops and retreats can be found on the Royal Bridlington website.


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Longarm Quilting Service Available

with Discounted quilting rates when wadding and backing is supplied by us

Call on: 01262 672433  or   07486 555 108

2024.....Celebrating 10 years of Longarm Quilting

© 2014-2024 by Quilt Sandwich. - Coast Holidays Ltd, Yorkshire, UK.  Longarm Quilting Specialists

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